Open Positions
A. Six-year fixed-term Professor
Job Requirements
(1) DUT invites outstanding applicants from academia with recognized achievements, international academic vision, capabilities for innovation and high potential to become principal investigators in the field.
(2) The applicants are preferably under age 40.
(3) The appointee shall set clear goals for the performance appraisal during the term of the contract (Please contact the department contact persons for more detailed evaluation standards at the end of the webpage).
Salary and Start-up package
(1) 500,000 Yuan RMB (about $69,000) pre-tax annual salary (not including academic bonus).
(2) 1,200,000 Yuan RMB (about $167,020) of housing allowance (tax-exempt, including Liaoning and Dalian housing allowance from the government).
(3) 1,200,000 Yuan RMB (about $167,000) start-up funding.
(4) Funding for hiring six postdoctoral researchers .
(5) Fully furbished flat (available for 1-year lease) and amenities.
Additional Benefit
(1) The appointee’s children can be admitted to DUT kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, which are among the best in Dalian.
(2) First-class medical insurance.
*Please refer to the latest version oflocal policies. Please contact DUTHR for more details about the policies.
B. Six-year fixed-term Associate Professor
Job requirements
(1) The successful candidate will be expected to have influential research achievements in relevant fields, great potential for scientific innovation and breakthrough; and the applicants are preferably under age 35.
(2) The appointee shall set clear goals for the performance appraisal during the term of the contract (Please contact the department contact persons for more detailed evaluation standards at the end of the webpage).
Salary and Start-up package
(1) 450,000 Yuan RMB (about $62,000) pre-tax annual salary (not including academic bonus).
(2) 1,000,000 Yuan RMB (about $139,184) of housing allowance (tax-exempt, including Liaoning and Dalian housing allowance from the government).
(3) 800,000 Yuan RMB (about $111,000) start-up funding.
(4) Funding for hiring six postdoctoral researchers .
(5) Fully furbished flat (available for 1 year lease) and amenities.
Additional Benefit
(1) The appointee’s children can be admitted to DUT kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, which are among the best in Dalian.
(2) First-class medical insurance.
*Please refer to the latest version oflocal policies. Please contact DUTHR for more details about the policies.
C. Three-year fixed-term Assistant Professor
Job requirements
(1) The successful candidate will be expected to have a relevant PhD degree; influential research achievements and a clear plan for future research.
(2) The applicants are preferably under age 32.
(3) The appointee shall set clear goals for the performance appraisal during the 3-year contract (Please contact the department contact persons for more detailed evaluation standards at the end of the webpage).
Remunerations and Benefits
(1) 300,000 Yuan RMB (about $41,000) pre-tax annual salary (not including research bonus and team performance bonus).
(2) 500,000 Yuan RMB (about $69,523) of housing allowance (tax-exempt, including Dalian housing allowance from the government).
(3) 100,000 Yuan RMB (about $13,905) start-up funding.
Additional Benefit
The appointee’s children can be admitted to DUT kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, which are among the best in Dalian.
*Please refer to the latest version oflocal policies. Please contact DUTHR for more details about the policies.
C. Three-year Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Job requirements
(1) The successful candidate will be expected to have a relevant PhD degree (received within 3 years); a solid research foundation and strong research capability; academic prudence and team spirit.
(2) The applicants are preferably under age 30.
(3) The appointee shall set clear goals for the performance appraisal during the 3-year contract (Please contact the department contact persons for more detailed evaluation standards at the end of the webpage).
Remunerations and Benefits
(1) 250,000-300,000 Yuan RMB (about $34,000-$41,000) pre-tax annual salary (not including research bonus and team performance bonus), on a 3-year contract.
(2) Outstanding appointees wil be recommended to apply for the teaching positions as assistant professors or associate professors of DUT when the contract ends, lf the application is successful, they can receive 500,000-1,000,000 Yuan RMB of housing allowance.
(3) If selected for national and school level talent programs, additional funding will be provided on top of the school's benefits.
Additional Benefit
(1) The appointee may enjoy the same benefits as DUT staff, such as meal subsidies, health examinations, etc.
(2) Opportunity for outstanding appointees to apply for a faculty position when the contract ends.
*Please refer to the latest version oflocal policies. Please contact DUTHR for more details about the policies.
How to apply
Please send your CV and related materials in the name of "Name + Faculty + Discipline + Position" to the contact person of each faculty and copy to the Human Resources Office of Dalian University of Technology.
Contact us
人力资源处处长 丛丰裕教授
Head of Office of Human Resources
Professor Cong Fengyu
人力资源处 李老师、于老师、宋老师(博士后)
Human Resources Department
Ms Li/Ms Yu/Ms Song (Enquiries on post-doctoral research)
电话:+86-411-84708717,+86-411-84708712(Enquiries on post-doctoral research)
邮箱:zhaopin@dlut.edu.cn、postdr@dlut.edu.cn(Enquiries on post-doctoral research)
招聘方向及联系方式 | ||
学院/学部 | 招聘方向 | 联系人及联系方式 |
化工学院 | 智能材料化工、智能分子工程、智能医药工程、智能过程工程、新能源化工 |
李老师 +86-411-84986023 limj@dlut.edu.cn |
环境学院 | 可持续污染控制、环境应急监测、近海环境生态工程、污染生态与风险管理、工业生态与系统工程 |
董老师, +86-411-84706259 dong1w@dlut.edu.cn |
生物工程学院 | 合成生物学与系统生物工程、计算生物学与人工智能、生物信息学、智能生物制造、大数据交叉研究方向领域、生物学、生物过程工程、生物资源与环境工程、生物靶标与分子工程、生物制药与材料工程 |
许老师 +86-411-84708083 xuxinao@dlut.edu.cn |
机械工程学院 | 精密与超精密加工、先进复合材料构件制造、智能测控、复杂金属构件成形、增材制造、机器人与智能制造系统、高档数控机床与基础件、微纳技术与系统、仿生与生物制造、高端装备运维、智能车辆系统 |
梁老师 +86-411-84703269 jody_liang@dlut.edu.cn |
材料科学与工程学院 | 材料学、材料加工工程、材料表面工程、材料连接技术、材料无损检测与评价、高分子材料 |
李老师 +86-411-84708430 LX@dlut.edu.cn |
能源与动力学院 | 清洁能源、CCUS碳捕获利用与封存技术、燃气轮机和航空发动机、内燃机、能源系统与节能、能源动力数字化智能化、热管理与热防护、储能 |
刘老师 +86-411-84706309 liuchangshu@dlut.edu.cn |
电气工程学院 | 电机与电器、电力系统及其自动化、高电压与绝缘技术、电力电子与电力传动、电工理论与新技术 |
李老师 +86-411-84706956 lijiamei@dlut.edu.cn |
信息与通信工程学院 | 计算机视觉、机器学习、信号处理、语音处理、图像处理、无线通信、天线设计 |
富老师 +86-411-84708472 fuxiaotong@dlut.edu.cn |
控制科学与工程学院 | 控制理论与控制工程,检测技术与自动化装置,系统工程,模式识别与智能系统,导航、制导与控制, 人工智能,智能系统 |
李老师 +86-18525490916 lijiannan@dlut.edu.cn |
计算机科学与技术学院 | 计算机科学与技术、计算机系统结构、计算机软件和理论、计算机应用技术、人工智能 |
王老师 +86-15898165201 wangpf@dlut.edu.cn |
建设工程学院 | 土木工程、水利工程、海洋工程、交通工程、智能建造与管理、建筑材料 |
刘老师 +86-411-84706232 ytliu@dlut.edu.cn |
力学与航空航天学院 |
固体力学,流体力学,实验力学,工程力学,计算力学,制造工艺力学,动力学与控制 飞行器设计,航空宇航推进理论与工程,导航、制导与控制,飞行器结构材料,航空宇航系统工程 |
张老师 +86-411-84707652 zhang_qiang@dlut.edu.cn |
船舶工程学院 | 海洋环境与资源开发,高技术船舶性能分析与研发,智能船/无人船设计与控制,新能源船舶与能效优化,船海装备智能制造工艺,深海与极区船海装备,船海结构环境损伤与腐蚀防护,结构动强度与失效控制,水声工程 |
王老师 +86-411-84706027 jhw@dlut.edu.cn |
医学部 | 基础医学、临床医学、药学、生物医学工程 |
李老师 +86-411-84706612 lixiangzhou_826@dlut.edu.cn |
未来技术学院 | 机器学习与数据挖掘、计算机视觉、自然语言理解、多媒体处理与安全、智能系统与机器人、脑科学与类脑智能 |
张老师 +86-18018928542 zhpp@dlut.edu.cn |
经济管理学院 | 管理决策与优化、管理系统工程、信息系统与信息管理、数据科学与智能管理、运营与供应链管理、风险与应急管理、工业工程、电子商务、物流与交通管理、会计学、企业管理、技术经济与管理(创新管理、项目管理)、市场营销学、财务管理、人力资源管理、金融(期货)、产业经济学、国际贸易 |
王老师 +86-411-84706393 gjzhaopin@dlut.edu.cn |
建筑与艺术学院 | 建筑设计及其理论、建筑历史与理论、城乡规划、工业设计、环境设计、视觉传达设计、绘画创作及其理论 |
张老师 +86-411-84706531 zhangwen@dlut.edu.cn |
马克思主义学院 | 马克思主义基本原理、马克思主义中国化研究、思想政治教育、中国近现代史基本问题研究、国外马克思主义、马克思主义发展史、马克思主义党的学说与党的建设、中国共产党外交思想和国际战略 |
张老师 +86-411-84708795 zhangyue2009@dlut.edu.cn |
外国语学院 | 英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学(英) |
郑老师 +86-411-84708560 dlutzhenghao@dlut.edu.cn |
物理学院 | 凝聚态物理、理论物理、等离子体物理、原子与分子物理、光学、基础物理 |
徐老师 +86-411-84709304 xuxuan@dlut.edu.cn |
数学科学学院 | 基础数学、应用数学、计算数学、运筹学与控制论、概率论与数理统计、数学交叉 |
崔老师 +86-411-84708354 cuijiannan@dlut.edu.cn |
光电工程与仪器科学学院 | 光学工程、仪器科学与技术、电子科学与技术 |
黄老师 +86-411-84706240 hyuxuan@dlut.edu.cn |
化学学院 | 多相催化与表界面化学,能源材料化学,绿色合成化学,智能化学、单细胞分析化学,质谱与色谱分析 |
姜老师 +86-411-84706356 jiangtx@dlut.edu.cn |
人文学院 | 哲学、中国语言文学、新闻与传播、艺术 |
谷老师 +86-411-84707921 guyixiao@dlut.edu.cn |
公共管理学院 | 行政管理、公共政策、城乡公共治理、数字公共治理 |
张老师 +86-411-84708554 zhangcheng@dlut.edu.cn |
高等教育研究院 | 高等教育学、教育政策与管理、教育评价、工程教育学 |
李老师 +86-411-84707273 liyifei@dlut.edu.cn |
体育与健康学院 | 体育教育训练学 、民族传统体育学 、体育人文社会学 |
苗老师 +86-411-84708580 miaoyanni@dlut.edu.cn |
软件学院、 国际信息与软件学院 |
智能软件工程、机器智能与数据科学、安全关键智能系统、先进工业软件、海洋信息处理 |
张老师 +86-411-62274389 rjhr@dlut.edu.cn |
集成电路学院 | 微电子学与固体电子学、物理电子学、电路与系统、集成电路工程 |
孙老师 +86-411-62273207 sunxh@dlut.edu.cn |
机器人与智能系统研究院 | 机器人智能制造, 微纳米定位,微纳机器人, 机器人微纳操作,软体机器人, 穿戴机器人, 微流控器件与系统, 机器人生物制造, 实验室自动化, 机器人工智能 |
陶老师 +86-411-84709627 robotoffice@dlut.edu.cn |
大连理工大学莱斯特国际学院 (盘锦校区) |
应用化学、过程装备与控制工程、数学、物理、环境生态工程、药学 |
孙老师 +86-427-2631937 pjzhaopin @dlut.edu.cn |
化工海洋与生命学院 (盘锦校区) |
能源化工、海洋技术、生物科学与生物信息学 | |
公共基础学院 (盘锦校区) |
计算机 | |
商学院 (盘锦校区) |
管理科学与工程、经济学、工商管理 |
The fields of recruitment and contact information of the departments/schools | ||
Departments/Schools | The fields of recruitment | Contact |
School of Chemical Engineering | Intelligent Materials-oriented Chemical Engineering,Intelligent Molecular Engineering,Intelligent Pharmaceutical Engineering,Intelligent Process Engineering,New Energy Chemical Engineering |
Ms Li +86-411-84986023 limj@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Environmental Science and Technology |
Sustainable Pollution Control Environmental Emergency Monitoring Offshore Environmental Ecological Engineering Pollution Ecology and Risk Management Industrial Ecology and Systems Engineering |
Mr Dong +86-411-84706259 dong1w@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Bioengineering | Synthetic Biology and Systems Bioengineering, Computational Biology and Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Intelligent Biomanufacturing, Cross-disciplinary Research Areas in Big Data, Biology, Biological Process Engineering, Biological Resources and Environmental Engineering, Biological Targets and Molecular Engineering, Biopharmaceuticals and Materials Engineering |
Ms Xu +86-411-84708083 xuxinao@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Mechanical Engineering |
Precision and ultra-precision machining,Advanced composite components manufacturing,Intelligent measure and control,Metal components forming,Additive manufacturing,Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing systems,High-end CNC machine tool and basic part,Micro and nano technology and systems,Bionic and bio-manufacturing,High-end equipment operation and maintenance,Intelligent vehicle system |
Ms Liang +86-411-84703269 jody_liang@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Materials Science and Engineering | Materials Science,Materials Processing Engineering,Surface Engineering,Materials Connection Techniques,Materials Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation,Polymer Materials, Advanced Composite Materials, New Energy Materials, Electronic Information Functional Materials, Structure-Function Integrated Materials, Intelligent Design and Preparation of High-Performance Materials, |
Mr Li +86-411-84708430 LX@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Energy and Power Engineering | Clean Energy, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage, Gas Turbine and Aeroengine,Internal Combustion Engine, Energy System and Energy Conservation, Digitalization of Energy & Intellectualization of Energy System, Thermal Management and Thermal Protection,Energy Storage |
Ms Liu +86-411-84706309 liuchangshu@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Electrical Engineering | Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus,Power System and its Automation,High Voltage and Insulation Technology,Power Electronics and Power Drives,Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering |
Ms Li +86-411-84706956 lijiamei@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Information and Communication Engineering | Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Speech Processing, Image Processing, Wireless Communications, Antenna Design |
Ms Fu +86-411-84708472 fuxiaotong@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Control Science and Engineering | Control Theory and Control Engineering, Detection Technology and Automation Devices, Systems Engineering, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Navigation, Guidance and Control, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems |
Mr Li +86-18525490916 lijiannan@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Computer Science and Technology | Computer Science and Technology, Computer System Structure, Computer Software and Theory, Computer Application Technology, Artificial Intelligence(AI) |
Mr Wang +86-15898165201 wangpf@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Infrastructure Engineering | Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Intelligent Construction and Management, Building Materials |
Ms Liu +86-411-84706232 ytliu@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering |
Solid Mechanics,Fluid Mechanics,Experimental Mechanics,Engineering Mechanics,Computational Mechanics,Mechanics of Manufacturing Processes,Dynamics and Control Aircraft Design,Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering,Navigation Guidance and Control,Aerospace Structures and Materials,Aerospace Systems Engineering |
Mr Zhang +86-411-84707652 zhang_qiang@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering | Marine environment and resources development,Performance analysis and research and development of high-tech ship ,Design and control of smart ship/unmanned ship,New energy ship and energy efficiency optimization,Intelligent manufacturing of marine equipment,Deep-sea and polar marine equipment,Environmental damage and corrosion protection on ship and marine structures,Dynamic strength and failure control of structures,Underwater acoustic engineering |
Ms Wang +86-411-84706027 jhw@dlut.edu.cn |
Faculty of Medicine |
Basic Medical Sciences; Clinical Medicine Sciences; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Biomedical Engineering Sciences; |
Mr Li +86-411-84706612 lixiangzhou_826@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Future Technology,School of Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning and Data Mining、Computer Vision、Natural Language Processing、Multimedia Processing and Security、Intelligence System and Robotic、Brain Science and Brain-Inspired Intelligence |
Mr Zhang +86-18018928542 zhpp@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Economics and Management | Management Decision and Optimization, Management Systems Engineering, Information Systems and Information Management, Data Science and Intelligent Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Risk and Emergency Management, Industrial Engineering, E-commerce, Logistics and Traffic Management, Accounting, Business Management, Technical Economics and Management (Innovation Management, Project Management), Marketing, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Finance (Futures), Industrial economics, international trade |
Ms Wang +86-411-84706393 gjzhaopin@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Architecture & Fine Art | Architectural design and theory, Architectural history and theory, Urban and rural planning, Industrial design, Environmental design, Visual communication design, Painting creation and theory |
Mr Zhang +86-411-84706531 zhangwen@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Marxism | the Basic Principles of Marxism, Foreign Marxism, the Sinicization of Marxism, Ideological and Political Education, the Modern and Contemporary Chinese History, Contemporary world Economics and Politics, Party’s Construction,Diplomacy Thought and International strategy of CPC. |
Ms Zhang +86-411-84708795 zhangyue2009@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Foreign Languages | English Language and Literature, Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (English), Foreign Language Pedagogy (Engligh) |
Mr Zheng +86-411-84708560 dlutzhenghao@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Physics | Condensed Matter Physics,Theoretical Physics,Physics of Plasma,Atomic and Molecular Physics,Optics,Basic Physics |
Ms Xu +86-411-84709304 xuxuan@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Mathematical Sciences | Pure Mathematics,Applied Mathematics,Computational Mathematics,Operation Research and Control Theory,Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics,Mathematics and Interdiscipline |
Mr Cui +86-411-84708354 cuijiannan@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Optoelectronic Engineering and Instrumentation Science | Optical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Electronic Science and Technology |
Mr Huang +86-411-84706240 hyuxuan@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Chemistry | Multiphase catalysis and interfacial chemistry、Energy Material Chemistry、Green Synthetic Chemistry、Intelligent Chemistry、Single cell analytical chemistry、Mass spectrometry and chromatographic analysis |
Ms Jiang +86-411-84706356 jiangtx@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Humantities | Philosophy, Language and Literature,Journalism and Mass Communications,Arts |
Ms Gu +86-411-84707921 guyixiao@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Public Administration and Policy | Public Administration ,Public Policy ,Urban-rural Governance , E-Governance |
Mr Zhang +86-411-84708554 zhangcheng@dlut.edu.cn |
Graduate School of Education | Higher Education、Education Policy and Management、Education Evaluation、Engineering Education |
Mr Li +86-411-84707273 liyifei@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Sport and Health Sciences | Physical Education and Training、Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports 、Humane and Sociological Science of Sports |
Ms Miao +86-411-84708580 miaoyanni@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Software Technology,School of Information Science and Engineering | Software Engineering、Intelligent System Technology、Machine Learning、Data Science and Intelligent Information Processing、Cyberspace Security and Computing |
Ms Zhang +86-411-62274389 rjhr@dlut.edu.cn |
School of Integrated Circuits | Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics, Physical Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Integrated Circuit Engineering |
Mr Sun +86-411-62273207 sunxh@dlut.edu.cn |
Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems | Robot intelligent manufacturing、 Micro and nanopositioning、Micro and nanorobots、 Robotic micro and nanomanipulation、Software robots、Wearable robots、Microfluidic devices and systems、 Robot biomanufacturing、Laboratory automation、Machine intelligence |
Ms Tao +86-411-84709627 robotoffice@dlut.edu.cn |
Leicester International Institute(Panjin Campus) | Applied Chemistry,Process Equipment and Control Engineering,Mathematics,Physics,Environmental and Ecological Engineering,Pharmacy |
Ms Sun +86-427-2631937 pjzhaopin @dlut.edu.cn |
School of Chemical Engineering, Ocean and Life Sciences (Panjin Campus) |
Energy and Chemical Engineering, Marine Technology, Bioscience and Bioinformatics | |
School of General Education (Panjin Campus) |
Computer Science | |
Business School (Panjin Campus) |
Management Science and Engineering, Economics, Business Administration |